ChildCareGroup is proud to celebrate TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK May 6-10

Donation Form

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ChildCareGroup must raise approximately $2 million each year to close the funding gap that federal funding does not cover. Financial contributions can take many forms including support of fundraising events, North Texas Giving Day, the Annual Campaign, general donations or stock transfers. 

Your financial support helps:
  • Purchase educational supplies, books, puzzles and learning games for our early childhood centers
  • Support the cost of developmental screening and assessments for children with special needs and their physical therapy sessions
  • Provide a scholarship for a child so a single parent can go to school or train for a job
  • Purchase diapers and formula for our infants and toddlers
In addition, ChildCareGroup receives $4 in federal funds for every $1 raised in private funding. That represents a tremendous return on a donor’s investment.

Ways to Give

Credit Card: Donation Form


Text to Give:
Text CCG to 44321